Humans & Horses Healing Together
Improving mental health and well-being for individuals by empowering and building resiliency through Equine Assisted Psychotherapy
Denise Hughes, President | Michelle Durbin, Treasurer | Matthew Sermeno, Secretary | Sandy Jones | Randy Quan | Gabrielle White | Anna Baccellieri, PhD, MPA | Collette Wayne (Thogerson), PhD
Irene Cruz | Mike McManus | Jim Thiessen | KerryAnn Magner-Varela
What We Do
We are a team of mental health professionals and equine specialists who partner with horses as our co-facilitators to offer solution-based:
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP)
Equine Assisted Learning (EAL)
Retreats and Team Development
Why Horses?
Horses have evolved to develop extremely sophisticated communication (relationship). herd (family), and safety (boundary) skills. These are skills in which we can learn as we enter into their world (the arena). As prey animals, horses' sensitivities are so astute that they can read and respond to our intentions whether or not we realize it. Without judgement or the capacity to lie; horses give immediate and honest responses. This allows individuals to recognize, connect with, and operate from a space of their most authentic selves. With their unique personalities and behaviors, horses can serve as an emotionally safe stand-in in a client's life. Honesty, sincerity, and acceptance can emerge through the interaction of both horse and client. These skills are tools our clients can carry with them, in and out of the arena.
Who We Serve
We serve all people, with no-cost programs available for active duty military, veterans, at-risk youth and their families.
HOPE for Warriors Program
Fostering HOPE for Youth
Treatment and Recovery Centers
Individuals, Couples & Families
Community and Corporate Organizations